G.O.Y.A. tables are your best choice for a sit-to-stand office solution. Do it right and you'll actually use it.
If you are serious about the wellness aspect of investing in a sit-to-stand table, you'll want to buy something that you will actually use. You're buying it for a reason. The name says it all. Get Off Your A$$ tables.
If you've seen the ads on TV for the desktop doohickey that looks so cool and you thought...hmm, maybe..., remember all the other gadgets that now line the driveways of your neighborhood every spring during garage sales.
If you are ready to surrender your desktop space and writing area to a clunky spring-a-majig, go ahead and buy the gadget. If you're serious, you need an adjustable table. Buy a good one. Dual-motor tables are the standard in commercial environments for a reason. Look for dual-motor tables with 3-stage lifting columns, and 4 memory presets. Don't settle for less or you'll be bummed.
Beniia Office Furniture has made a leap in the technology for these tables with their new IntelliTable control system. The G.O.Y.A. is also more convenient than others with the fold-out frame and plug-n-play connections. Available in classic silver, soft white, and carbon black, the G.O.Y.A. will fit in any office space.